Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Catalyst Day 1-Just Labs?

As I write this I have a fear that my brain is so tired that I am going to start writing in tongues! (if that is possible) It has been quite a day, but it was great.
I just wanted to share a few highlights:

Reggie Joiner-prelab- RJ did a great job with two mac computers showing the changes that have taken place over the years. He had an old system with a tiny screen that was one of the first apple computers and he had an airbook that is paper thin. He used this to correlate with the new wine in old wineskins passage to remind us of the importance of being relevant without compromising the message.

Scot McKnight- Session 1- SM explained his experience with a blue parakeet which illustrates the importance of how we are scared by certain passages in the Bible. He used Rorschach's ink blots to explain the danger of people reading their own interpretations into scripture. Seeing what their life experience made them see. He also looked at the Maestros (Masters, Teachers) of the Bible and discussed how we have to bring them together for a full view of who God is.

Ed Stetzer- Session 2- ES will have his notes posted on on Thursday. Among his many salient points, ES talked about how we need to Re-Jesus church planting because it has become very easy to lose focus in all of our creative methodologies and superstar leaders. He also talked about how we need to continue to strive to reach the unchurched instead of the churched. Many of those who are joining Churches today are simply changing from one Church to another. "Upon this rock I will build my Church" means that God builds His Church and not any one person. Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.

Gabe Lyons- Session 3- GL is the author of Unchristian. He did a brief recap and then looked at some additional resources and observations. He talked about the rising suicide rate and how we have to address this as a Church. He also expressed concern over how our young people are becoming so oriented to video games, internet, and tv that they have less social skills than they used to. He challenged us to consider how we minister to "different" people (like the homosexual) in the context of our Churches. He referred us to

Mark Batterson- Session 4- MB's newest work is based on a Celtic reference to the Holy Spirit as a wild goose. It sounded a bit strange at first, but it is an interesting perspective. He looked at 1 Samuel 14 and other passages focusing on Jonathan and the passage that says, "perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf." This reminded him of how God blesses the worst of plans many times. He said, "If you want to make God laugh, show Him your plans." He also said when talking about their vision, "Jesus hung out at wells, coffee houses are the modern day wells." Starting a new work was a challenge that made him consider whether he would be frustrated over the lack of volunteers as they began a new work or celebrate the opportunity for God to raise up new volunteers.

This really does not do the day justice, but it gives you a taste of some of the good things that we were exposed to.

I hope that something encouraged you as you read them.
Two more days!!!