Thursday, January 17, 2008

Va means "Go!" in Spanish

We are here! We have finally arrived in Virginia. It was a long trip, but the kids did great and I managed our 16' Penske moving truck pretty well. Only 16'? That is only part of our "stuff." Much remains in Old Mexico until we can retrieve it. We go today to search for a rental house to live in until we find our new house. Getting settled is crazy, but it is good. Being in Virginia with Phillip and Jan and the church here feels right and we are content in knowing that we sought God's direction and found it.

I am confident that it will not be easy. When I think of all that this ministry could encompass it is amazing. But it is also very exciting to see the church mobilized, people from various backgrounds reached, and hopefully missionaries sent from the Hampton Roads area. I don't have a full vision of all that God is going to do here, but I am confident that He has great things in store!

We are still living out of suitcases, so I don't have pictures from our meal at the purple cow or anything like that yet. The kids are beginning to gain a vision for living here also which makes it even more exciting. The hotel on the beach and the purple cow milkshakes didn't hurt anything!

For now I am going to stick with the Taco Assassin blogname as the premise has not changed. (You can go back to my first entry if you want the whole schpiel) I may need to branch out and do a hampton roads missions blog. . .who knows!

That's all for now. No deep thoughts from Jack Handy or even exposition from the Word. Just one thought for the road: "How do we get the salt out of the shaker?"

See you next time- same bat time, same bat channel!