Friday, April 21, 2006

Who do you say that I am?

"Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip?"

Every type of work that I have ever had in my life has been fairly simple in terms of defining the objective. From cutting grass to bookkeeping, they all have not needed much explanation as I tried to explain to people what I did. Now I find myself identifying with Jesus. After two years, various sermons, and newsletters we continue to face a lot of ignorance about why we are here. As frustrating as this can be, we must continue to focus on what our call is and pray that God will give light as we continue to serve Him. We arrived in Celaya with a great desire to work with the churches, but it soon became apparent that the work outside of the church was to consist of missions points outside of the city. People/Pastors from the churches have cast dispersions upon our work saying that when we leave the works will die. I wonder if Paul had the same experience with the religious community in his day. I see so much pomp and circumstance in the celebration of Easter and then I see Jesus. He took time to sit with women at wells, demoniacs, and even temples of people who were not his followers. He did not worry about people's baggage or the way they were dressed. He just loved people. How much of our celebration of Easter is really about Jesus? Has anyone taken the time to ask Him how He would like us to remember His sacrifice? I choose to commemorate the day of the Resurrection this year looking upon the lost masses and asking Jesus how we can share the good news of His love with them. Lets set aside the fluff and tell everyone we can beginning with our children what Jesus did for us. Ask Jesus what he wants us to do differently as we live lives of worship. As our muchacha once said, "We shouldn't just go to church like a bunch of burros."

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