Sunday, September 07, 2008

Building a Church of Small Groups

I'm reading a book by that title right now. The authors are Donahue and Robinson from Willowcreek. Sometimes when I'm reading a book, I think that there are lines that are good enough to pass on. I hope this isn't some kind of illegal activity!

"Many of us in the church view community as optional. As Willow Creek's Director of Small Groups, I (Russ) talk with veteran Christians who resist being connected into what they call 'the system.' Both longterm 'Creekers' and churched people who have moved here decline formal connection to the church or a small group. We lovingly call them 'renegades.'
Some of them are 'church hopping renegades.' Applying consumerism philosophy to their church engagement, they treat Willow Creek like one item on a Chicagoland church buffet. Their agenda is to get themselves and their family 'fed,' the tastiness of the entree the sole measure of whether they will grace our establishment again. Life-transforming community is not part of the nutrition plan.
Granted, the church has done them few favors. We paint a picture of Christianity rightly lived as a simple matter of you and your relationship with God. Such minimalist, 'fire insurance' versions of faith may escape hell. But they have nothing to do with following Jesus. Following Jesus means following him into community. (p.27)

This quote says a great deal. My heart is to see the community that this book talks about fill the Church and go beyond the taste that we have in the gathering. There is much more and we are headed that way! May we never be lulled into a life of going through the motions of doing Church and lose the wonderful opportunities that we have to be and make disciples (aka missionary followers) of Christ.

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