Friday, December 21, 2007

Missions in 2 Chronicles?

Ok, so there are times when I blog cute things like my last blog, times when I rant, and then there are these times. Reading God's word this morning I was knocked down by 2 Chronicles 20. This is one of the more popular passages in this book. The passage where the choir goes before the army and God delivers their enemies into their hands.

I have been meditating on this passage this morning and thinking about Piper's book "Let the Nations be Glad." The fact that we have missions because we are not worshiping as we ought continually faces me. Don't hear me wrong I am not throwing stones at the church. I am realizing that I am just as guilty. My worship does not always extend beyond the walls of the church or my home as much as it needs to in order to reach a lost and dying (yes, I used the phrase. . .that is the baptist preacher in me) world. What does that look like?

In this passage the people faced a mighty army. Do I even face the army or am I content in my bubble just talking about missions all day? I have come back to that old analogy of the fisherman who learns to fish, fishes for a while, and then spends all of his time telling others how to fish. Yuck! May I never stop fishing (literally and figuratively). The call to discipleship is one that makes disciples at all stages of spiritual growth. Whether that be to call people out to face the army or lead the choir. The bottom line is to get our worship out of the church walls.

I get chills thinking about how the people marched singing and then arrived at the ridge to see the enemy conquered. May we at least show up to see the glory of God at work in our world. "Showing up" looks different for everyone. The bottom line is that we be who God has called us to be where He has called us to be.

The end of this passage has a commentary about King Jehoshaphat. "He did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight. During his reign, however, he failed to remove all of the pagan shrines, and the people never fully committed themselves to follow the God of their ancestors." We may not be Kings, but we have the opportunity to lead God's people to battle.

Are you worshiping? Does your worship make it out of the church building? That is largely what is going to reach our world!

Fleas navidad! Find an authentic Mexican tamale and eat it on our behalf!

1 comment:

Mark and Hannah said...

Great post. Now I'm hungry for fish and a tamale. And hungry to spread God's love too. Thanks brother.